by Aimee Cartwright

The background screening industry is as dynamic as ever, with fresh discoveries around every corner. The longer you delay involvement in new technologies, the more power you give to competitors.

Employers are already profiting from our seamless API integration, which combines the benefits of DBS checks and Social Media Checks for improved efficiency, data quality, and compliance.

Don’t let your competitors outshine you. Future-proof your DBS checks today by including diligent Social Media Checks in your background screening process. Our reliable API interface awaits you.

What is the Purpose of API Integration for Social Media Checks?

By placing Social Media Checks alongside DBS checks, employers are opening communication between two systems. The question is, what makes this communication so powerful?

Consider the level of security that a DBS check provides. Before these checks were implemented for safeguarding roles, the risk of a dangerous individual being hired to work with vulnerable people was significantly higher.

With that in mind, now consider the fact that DBS checks only identify people who have actually been convicted of a crime in the past…potentially neglecting individuals who openly and currently display violent, xenophobic, or illegal behaviours online, but still boast a clear criminal record.

API integration empowers employers to find out about inappropriate online behaviours before they evolve into workplace misconduct.

The Benefits of API Integration for Social Media Checks

If you’re passionate about efficiency, data quality and compliance, enhancing your DBS checks using Social Media Checks is the one-stop answer for you. Here’s why.


Initiating communication between two types of background checks speeds up the screening process, which keeps costs low; API integration is the epitome of efficiency.

Working with such high efficiency leads to added revenue and exponential growth, particularly in industries such as Education and Healthcare.

Higher Quality of Data

When dealing with police records and social media content together, the depth and scope of your checks improves significantly, which leads to a higher quality of both data and decision making.

As data quality determines how far our Social Intelligence Officers can go in their analysis, high-quality data is closely linked to meticulous candidate reports.


DBS checks that are enhanced by simultaneous Social Media Checks can be considered more compliant with the BS7858 Standard and guidance provided by the ICO. Compliant screening methods safeguard stakeholders, impress customers and satisfy regulatory bodies.

Ultimately, to say API-integrated checks improve the reputation of employers would be an understatement.

How to Future-Proof Your DBS Checks with Social Media Checks API Integration

Join the league of leading UK and European screening firms that harness our API interface for smooth integration by getting in touch with SP Index.

Four simple steps await you:

  • Project kick-off
  • System integration and testing
  • Transition to live
  • Aftercare and support


For fast integration in just a few weeks, reach out to us below:

Telephone: 0800 468 1688


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