by Aimee Cartwright

What are Political Advocate Checks? 

Political Advocate Checks are professional risk assessments of a political candidates’ online presence.   

Complying with the Data Protection Act 2018 (incorporating GDPR) and the Equality Act 2010, these nonpartisan pre-employment screenings offer a level of objectivity that is difficult to achieve with in-house checks. 

With equality at the heart of all research, SP Index Political Advocate Checks reduce the risks involved with hiring politically active individuals by scrutinising advocate behaviours, ultimately enabling you to secure your party’s values ahead of the General Election. 

Top Tips for Ensuring Equality  

Avoid in-house checks 

While individuals performing in-house checks may lack specialist training, professional background screening companies equip their staff with the specific skills and experience needed to carry out nonpartisan Political Advocate Checks. 

Check all members 

Checking a select few members is a recipe for disaster – not only is there a strong possibility that adverse content (e.g., proof of political infiltration) is lurking in other members’ accounts, but accusations of inequality could easily arise when members are treated differently. 

Respect privacy 

When looking for online risks, there is no need to ask candidates for their social media usernames or attempt to access private accounts.  

Our Social Intelligence Team respects the privacy of all candidates by solely analysing publicly available information. This ensures our Political Advocate Checks are fully compliant. 

How Does SP Index Remain Nonpartisan? 

SP Index Political Advocate Checks are not targeted at one political group – we offer GDPR-compliant Social Media Checks across all spectrums of political organisations. 

Our meticulous research, QA and audit processes ensure all checks are approached in the same way, regardless of the political opinions of the employees involved.  


With the safety and reputation of your organisation at stake, why wait any longer? Secure your party’s values today with SP Index Political Advocate Checks. 

Telephone: 0800 468 1688 


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