by Aimee Cartwright

As a leading social media background checks provider, when our customers came to us with concerns about handling Israel-Palestine content, we knew we had to incorporate this into our compliant Social Media Checks.

Within our Social Intelligence Team our resident expert , Oliver Marlow, is focused to ensure all Global Conflict content (including Israel and Palestine content) is analysed objectively and meticulously.

Keep reading to discover the types of content Oliver reports, and how he ensures SP Index does not discriminate against candidates based on their political views.

Why You Should Vet Candidates’ Social Media for Israel-Palestine Content

Due to the violent nature of the Israel and Palestine conflict, and its strong online presence, many candidates are sharing adverse content that could harm the reputation of your organisation.

With 5% of our Global Conflict checks being flagged for adverse content, many of these are linked to the current Israel/Palestine conflict.

There is an increased risk when candidates are applying for, or working in, a safeguarding role. For example, if a teacher shares a graphic video about the history of the Israel and Palestine conflict, they are potentially causing harm to any students or parents who may access the content online.

There are also plenty of social media posts that appear innocuous but are in fact concerning. If your candidates are sharing damaging tropes about Israel or Palestine, it’s important to identify this to avoid hiring someone who could threaten perceptions of your company and who may inflame divisions amongst your staff.

Why Choose SP Index to Analyse Israel-Palestine Content?

SP Index offers Israel-Palestine content analysis as part of our comprehensive employee and pre-employment background checks.

The difference between checking content independently and working with us is immeasurable. Our Global Conflict expert will help to protect your company by:

  • Flagging content that is linked to proscribed terrorist groups or organisations
  • Adjusting sensitivity levels depending on the type of Check (e.g., Education Social Media Checks are more sensitive than e.g. Essential Social Media Checks)
  • Being objective (only flagging content that is likely to be damaging and not content that simply expresses support for one side or the other of the conflict)
  • Analysing content contextually
  • Staying updated on current affairs around the world

It is simply too time-consuming for HR professionals to stay updated on every aspect of current global conflicts, including the complex Israeli-Palestinian conflict and a lack of updated information could potentially result in a bad hire being welcomed into your organisation.

On the other hand, by choosing to work with SP Index, you are automatically gaining an expert in Israel-Palestine affairs, who dedicates time to understanding the latest updates.

For example, our expert is familiar with all of the UK’s proscribed terrorist groups or organisations. Whenever a new group is added to the list, we adapt our online background checks accordingly, and quickly identify any content that is linked to the group.

Meet Oliver, Our Israel and Palestine Expert

Oliver, you are the SP Index expert in Israel and Palestine content. What does this mean?

I’m trained in Global Conflict checks, which often consist of Israel and Palestine content. However, I check for all international conflicts, especially those with international news coverage, such as the escalations in Yemen and the ongoing Russian – Ukraine war.

When my Social Intelligence Team colleagues come across content relating to my expertise, they refer the Social Media Check to me. I then audit any risks my colleagues have identified and perform an in-depth analysis of the content.

This involves finding the source of the content, identifying patterns of behaviour and checking for any affiliations with proscribed organisations.

What sort of content do you flag?

I flag content that involves violent or threatening rhetoric, proscribed organisations, hate speech or racial discrimination on either side of the Israel/Palestine conflict.

Would you flag content simply for being supportive of Israel or Palestine?

Absolutely not. People have the right to share their opinions and I think it’s important to remain unbiased when flagging content. Everything I flag can be justified as being inappropriate and goes beyond simple sharing of personal opinions or news reports.

Why is it important to check for Israel and Palestine content?

As we carry out many checks for the education sector, it’s important to determine whether educators may have radical views or may share content that discriminates against any race, religion or gender.

If I was an employer, I would want to know if any of my employees were sharing views that could be prejudiced against anyone they may work with, or other stakeholders of the company.

Discover Our Objective Social Media Checks

We strongly believe our analysis of Israel-Palestine content could help you to vet candidates more thoroughly, avoid potential discrimination, and strengthen the reputation of your organisation.

If this intrigues you, don’t hesitate to get in touch.

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